Body Worlds Pulse at the California Science Center
Body Worlds Pulse at the California Science Center
This looks beyond fascinating!Get an inside look and discover what makes us all move, tick, and unique in the largest BODY WORLDS exhibition in a decade. Featuring over 200 plastinated specimens including REAL bodies, body configurations, translucent slices, and organs see the body like never before along with its various systems that keep us in motion. Think you can stomach this exhibit? Enter for a chance at 4 tickets below to see it at the California Science Center now thru February 20th 2018.
"Photo: © Institute for Plastination 2017"
Dr. von Hagen’s invention of Plastination, allows us a close up view of healthy and unhealthy samples relating to the body include an obese body slice, a smoker’s black lung and hardened arteries that show the impact of ill health. In contrast, dancers, sports figures, and a woman bearing life illustrate how bodies function when lifestyles support good health choices and lifestyle.
Suggestions for visiting BODY WORLDS with a child
The California Science Center welcomes both adults and children to Body Worlds. However, this exhibit may not be suitable for some children, and the Science Center has determined that a responsible adult must accompany all children 12 years old and younger. We ask that you become familiar with the exhibit before deciding whether or not to bring your child to Body Worlds, and have prepared this information leaflet to assist you. For more information please check our web site at or contact Science Center staff.
NOTE: These are real human bodies on display that came from body donors, individuals who during their lifetime, said that upon their death their bodies could be used for this educational exhibition. After their death, their bodies were Plastinated (infused with plastic) to preserve them so that everyone can learn from them.
Exhibit price for Non-Member: $19.95/Adults $12.95/Child $16.95/Student $16.95/Senior "Photo: © Institute for Plastination 2017"