Powerpuff Girls Break Down Barriers Empowering Young Girls
The Powerpuff Girls Break Down Barriers Empowering Young Girls!
Calling all girls near and far! That was the the message sent out around the local community of Los Angeles and beyond to gather young girls for a day of dance, science and art hosted by Hulu. Their models for the day, The Powerpuff Girls and some seriously awesome women leading the way to an all-out free for all afternoon, just for the girls! Capped and courageous, they all became Real Life Powerpuff Girls for the day. My girl used her super powers to overcome her autism issues and join in all the festivities!
Did you know the Powerpuff Girls are back and streaming on Hulu? Read all about the message portrayed within the program for the 8-12 range via the event they hosted and enter to win a code to get a free 3 months subscription to Hulu to watch for yourself.
Create Girls Create! Illustrator and designer Amanda Penley and animator Mari Setbacken worked with the girls to create their own Powerfuff images and then bring them to life. The end results, some very proud girls discovering that with some guidance they too could create and discovered they might just have a hidden talent for drawing!
Think Girls Think! Science and Team Problem Solving were no match for the girls
experiencing the life of an astronaut with science gurus from Mad Science Los Angeles. Guiding the girls in a very special space mission their final project was building an authentic model space station and participating in a fun rocket launch!
Move Girls Move! The girls totally let loose and got their groove on during the dance
workshops lead by famed choreographer Sivan Levi. Teaching in smaller groups, the young ladies participated in choreographed dances that came all together at the end of the day in a flash mob-style performance. They may have started out a little shy in the beginning but nothing could stop their finale! Below is just a sample of the fun the girls had!
I would love to see more events in our local communities like this to inspire and empower our girls, it was a very inspirational day and a pleasure to be apart of. Check out the latest from the Powerpuff Girls streaming on Hulu now! https://www.hulu.com/the-powerpuff-girls-classic