Preparing for Body Sculpting aka Liposuction
Preparing for Body Sculpting aka Liposuction
There are many things to do and consider before having a procedure like Liposuction. First is to see if you are even a candidate. Before my meeting with Dr. V at Cosmeticare I already had a good feeling I was but there are things that need to be considered besides your desire to get rid of that unwanted fat. If you are contemplating Lipo I am going to walk you through the "Pre" steps it takes to prepare for the procedure once it has been decided you are a good candidate and you are able and ready to follow through with it.
Age, genetics and not enough weight training make my arms a major area of concern for me.
First Consultation: Your doctor will discuss many areas in making the decision and your subsequence decision all the more easier if Liposuction is right for you. What are your areas of concern, lifestyle, age, health history, current body weight, does your skin still have good elasticity, these are all taken into consideration. It's not always an open and shut case. Having realistic expectations and understanding the limitations of Liposuction is also very important and needs to be clearly discussed. Example, one area of concern is my arms, my fear is if too much fat is removed I will be left with a sagging mess and quite honestly I wouldn't want to then have more surgery to remove the access skin, that scar to me would not be desired. After discussing this with Dr. V and considering my skins elasticity we decided it was an area we could address (among others).
Second Consultation/Pre Opp: So you are a good canditade! Making the decision and the follow up apt for your final pre opp is very exciting! I hadn't had a physical in 4 years so after my initial meeting with Dr. V I saw my primary physician (you will need clearance from a doctor prior to surgery ) Found I was slightly anemic but beyond that I was cleared which put me even more at ease. You will also need an EKG from your primary doctor done within a couple weeks of your procedure as you will be put under with anesthesia. This honestly was the biggest concern and fear I had at my age (I'll be 48 this year). Before pictures and measurements will be taken and a final chat with the doctor before the big day. Was I nervous or scared...not really, just excited to get it done and start my recovery.
Let me just say this....Lipo is NOT for weight loss. Don't get me wrong, you will loose weight and inches but it is to remove localized areas of fat. It is however an amazing kickstart to a healthier lifestyle when taken seriously. Lipo removes fat from the treated areas only, you can still grow fat in other areas so this is why it is so important to make permanent changes to maintain the desired results. I'm always out and about, try to eat healthy but I do need to have a more "routine" workout regiment which will be at the top of my list after my procedure.
What to do pre surgery: I would try to be in the best physical shape you can. This must have been something you have thought about for awhile, so loose whatever weight you can and start your journey at least a couple months in advance, more if possible. There will be a list of certain meds and supplements you will need to stop taking before surgery well in advance as well. Eat healthy, get lots of rest and hydrate. Once you have your last meeting with the doctor you will be prescribed antibotics to start 2 days before your surgery. There are specific instructions as to how to arrive the day of like wearing no make up, jewelry, lotions and even nail polish is a no-no. You will also fast before your surgery. The surgical center will contact you the night prior the procedure to give you your surgery time, so plan to just block the entire day out. You will need a ride to and from the surgery center, you will be in no condition to drive. Wear loose pull up pants and a button or zip down shirt to be dressed easily.
Mentally preparing: Lipo is not a pretty thing to watch (not that any surgery is) so if you are squeamish I'd recommend not looking up videos quite honestly, I mean you won't be the one performing the lipo. Instead I'd ask your doctor to explain the process. Do know that you will need to prepare any little ones and spouses at home for what is to come, that you will be "down" for a few days after and that you will be drowzy upon your discharge. Make sure you have your home ready as well, your diet will be restricted for the first couple days so stock up on soft foods, have your home tidy and take care of any daily business ahead of time so you can truly rest. Liposuction is surgery and is done on an "out patient" basis. You will check in and out within hours, it's just that quick. I will go into more details in my next post on the "post surgery and what to expect" during the first days, weeks, month.
Use code CATHERYN100 for 10% off of Liposuction , just mention the code on the phone or at your FREE consultation.